the ramblings of a bored teenager on the internet

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

People, and why I hate them.

As proven by Harvard graduating brain surgeons such as Snooki, humanity's intelligence is on the rise.

Keepin' it classy.

I was on facebook the other day when I found a "like page" entitled: "Mom: No, we can't buy you a new car. Money doesn't grow on trees y'know! Daughter: Actually it does. Money is paper, paper is trees."

Money is not made out of paper fuckwads. It's made out of a cotton blend. This wouldn't have bothered me nearly as much as it did if this page hadn't received 3K likes.

I once made a joke page for a crocodile furry named Toby, but many of his fans soon found it, as did he shortly after, and they took the whole page rather seriously. I disowned the group shortly afterwords but still check on it time to time to see what is up. I also get friend requests from people such as "Browny Bear".

Also, the post about money's grammar was not done well. At all.

While a spelling and errors are often a bitch to fix, there comes a point when it's time to look back at what you've written, and ask yourself, "Just how many times was I dropped as a child?"

I was once dropped down the stairs when I was about 6th months old. I slipped or my father forgot he was holding me or something and that left me tumbling down the hard wooden stoops.

If I was a staircase, I would want to be carpeted; I will not be held accountable for murder.


Charles Dickins cannot compete.
Thank you for correcting that "hear", without it, I may have never understood what you were trying to communicate, Elv. Is that how you spell it? I think you misspelled "retard".

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