the ramblings of a bored teenager on the internet

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


Are you all enjoying my sudden flow of entries?

Well I am, so fuck you.

It just occurred to me that I never actually made an entry about Otakon, and figured I should go ahead and do so.

And by that I mean I should go ahead and upload this picture:

Dat gun.

I spent most of Thursday and Friday searching for a Duke, and was constantly told to give up because "nobody would dress up as him."

Then, at about 11 on Friday night, I saw a red blob walking beside me, and looked up to see the god that is...

...this guy.

The moral of this story is: Don't give up hope. Even if it seems effortless (like trying to find an attractive male dressed as a specific video game character at an anime convention).

Anyway, I'll go ahead and admit that I have a problem. My friend Estelle recently messaged me and said: essay prompt: Discuss something you secretly like but pretend not to, or vice versa. First thought: Duke Nukem. 

I have to agree. Sadly. Not to mention I sort of gave up pretending not to quite awhile ago.

Also Chris-chan! Yaaay Chris-chan, yaaaay. 

The geeg meister and I are making a FAQ/QandA video tomorrow night, so if you have any questions you'd like to ask us, feel free to comment/message/whatnot me. 

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