the ramblings of a bored teenager on the internet

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Good quotes by good folks

"I'm gay minus the whole 'liking men' part."

"I'm hornier than a viking hat and got more bitches than a dog farmer."

"What kind of asshole farms dogs?"

"What the chocolatey snack?"

"It's only funny because it's so retarded."

"...But what if Draco fell off a bridge and became a parallelogram?"

"What? What the fuck are you talking about?"
-Everyone else

"Because of YOU have I have 'ballsack mittens' in my search history!"

"We knew this kid back in New York... and by 'we' I mean 'John' and by 'kid' I mean 'drug dealer'."

"Religious views? Yeaaaa there is no God- BAM. Right in the religion!"

I'm sure there's tons of more quotes, but I can't be bothered to think of any right now. I'm attending an anime convention next week (Yeah, I'm pretty cool. No big deal.) and that should lead to a rather... interesting blog.

Also, I hate that the blog looks so text filled lately, so please enjoy this picture:

This picture that contains more text....

Saturday, July 16, 2011

I Seem To Have Stopped Writing

It would seem that I only have one entry for the month of July.

That is unacceptable. I blame summer completely. 

Also the fact that I am unsure how many people actually still read this contributes to the lack of... contribution. 

Well, I read this, so, as my dad would say, "FUCK Y'ALL"

There may or may not be a good chance that he has never said that, but that will just have to remain a mystery. 

Moving right along, I am rather excited for the release of Deus Ex. Which, by the way, sounds like the french way to say Ex Dee. They should work on that part.

It's as if God said "You know what's cool? Robots. I like robots." The quality of this game is, however, far too advanced for my computer. When I stated "I'm rather excited for the release of Deus Ex" what I actually meant to say was "I'm rather excited to watch Kai play Deus Ex".