the ramblings of a bored teenager on the internet

Friday, June 24, 2011

Coke addictions and other irrelevant things

I am not entirely sure how to start off this blog entry, so allow me to simply begin by saying:

"...Just then, a horny The Old One leapt out from behind a tampon and fucked Dr. Rockso in the urethra. ‘ARGH!’ Dr. Rockso screamed."

If you're asking yourself "Vanessa, why you gotta want me dead?", then allow me to explain. I recently showed my friend Alli (She requested I whore out her tumblr, so enjoy: this blog, to which she responded  "My only suggestion is to write about me more."

And that is exactly what I am doing.  Mentioning that fucking THE OLD ONE. 

The Old One doing what she does best. Being a penis.

In other news, the new DMC is going to be released rather soon. You all remember Dante, don't you?
While I'm not a huge fan of the Devil May Cry series, I am kind of excited to see Dante's badass white hair and red coat back in action as he slays demon after demon.

So what the fuck is this? It looks like Dante got fed up with life and started doing heroin to cope. Also he fights robots now. Wasn't the entire plot of DMC that he was fighting demons for his dead mother or some shit?

However, I have been all too aware of retarded new Dante for quite some time, but I only recently saw the designer/overall planner for the new DMC game.

I... have no words. This blog is done now.

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